R.A.O.B. Charles Wymer Lodge
No. 2201
Ever Heard of the Buffs?
The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes
We have started up a Lodge in the Pavilion at the back of
Parson Drove Village Hall PE13 4LA our next lodge is
Monday March 10th 2025 at 19.30 pm in the Pavilion behind the Parson Drove Village Hall PE13 4LA
or telephone 01945 700070
or email raobcwsecretary@gmail.com
or email johnoshunt@gmail.com
or Text 07866108111
If you have ever been a Buff but haven't been for a time or you would like to join but are not sure what you are letting yourself in for, come along, no commitment just see what we are about. We are not a Secret Society. If we got anyone turn up not a Buff then we will suspend the lodge and let them see what we are about. Our total aim is to have a good time and give some money to local good causes chosen by you. Yes, we don't have a Grand Lodge taking £2 per registration, we are all volunteers no one gets anything without your approval. To join please call
01945 700070
or go to our website charleswymerlodge.co.uk
We run under the GRAND COUNCIL 2022 that is a Banner of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes
Our next meeting is Monday 10th March 2025 7.30pm in the Pavilion. Well that will be good if you turn up because it will be enjoyed by all that turn up.
Well Brothers, I have to say, "What a night" everything went well, all present enjoyed themselves AND I had compliments given to me for the way I conducted the ceremony. Of course Tony enjoyed the buffet, in fact they all did. In my opinion the best night of the Charles Wymer Lodge ever. Don't take it for granted when you have a lodge full of new brothers, you have to make sure they know what they have to do. When the purpose of the meeting is to initiate three new gentlemen then it is either going to be "excused" or enjoyed because some of them have never seen an initiation before. I think they did very well. The best bit was we had three different banners there and they all enjoyed each others company because whatever Banner you are the bottom line is Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes is what we are about. We of course had Grand Council 2022 there we also had the Grand Primo of the Grand Cambridgeshire Banner and very nice to see the Grand Primo of Grand Lodge of England there as well. Thank you all for your attendance. 👍 👏 👏 👏👏
Brother William Henry Rose, R.O.H. (tripod.com)
If you would like to join us just get in touch. Tel: 01945 700070 or 07866108111 or raobcwsecretary@gmail.com or charleswymerlodge.co.uk