Why the header is Charles Wymer No. 9970 and our Lodge is 2201
It maybe prudent to explain why the header says Charles Wymer Lodge 9970 and when you read the page it becomes obvious that we, the Charles Wymer Lodge is now No. 2201......
The reason is that back in 1988 when I was first initiated into the RAOB it was with the Charles Wymer Lodge 9970 held in the Turnpike Pub in Walsoken on the edge of Wisbech. I was the Secretary after about 3 years, (they were desperate). As the Bro.s changed and they do, it went a bit downhill. I left the Lodge in 1992 and went to the Philanthropic Lodge in Kings Lynn, still GLE. Having noticed the problems of the Charles Wymer Lodge, the Brothers, they do get all sorts of characters, not all agreeing with one another, it happens. I found it very similar at the Philanthropic Lodge. There is always one or two that dictate the lodge, Getting more experience of the Order I realised that one had to accept this behaviour as some didn't think it was wrong. I DID. By now the Charles Wymer Lodge had finished because one of the dictators wanted to get his name on the concept of "A Founder member" and started a new lodge called the Faith Hope and Charity Lodge. Didn't last long but he got his name in lights. I suffered the consequences for 12 years before I though, enough. I left there and transferred my standing to the Peterbough Province, the Locomotive Lodge. This was the same, one or two that dictated the lodge. I suffered it, I do like the main concept of the RAOB. It is not the fault of the Order it is the people that are in it. Mostly the "Glory Hunters" Please remember there are many, many of the Brothers that are very good brothers but there are a few not so good that raise their voices to get their own way, and it works.
I went the the Windmill Lodge at Long Sutton and yes it was the same again one or two that made the rules to suit themselves. Enough is Enough, I decided to start a Lodge in my Village of Parson Drove. July 21st 2022. I called it the Charles Wymer Lodge but as I didn't intend to go under the banner of Grand Lodge of England, I chose the Grand Council 2022. Wow what a job, I use the term "like pushing water uphill" it really was difficult but I persevered and found that you cannot wipe out the dictators. We started well, very friendly all happy and met once a month. Very quickely we all agreed to change it to twice a month. We are still twice a month, the second and fourth Monday of the month. We have had visits from Brothers of Grand Council, Grand Cambridgeshire Banner and Grand Primo of the Grand Lodge of England. I did remark that night that 3 different banners in the same company and everyone enjoyed each others company. Just the way it should be.
The remark about pushing water uphill is because you get a few brothers into the lodge then lose one or two, get some more and lose some more. On February 2nd 2024 we initiated 3 new brothers the same night. What a night that was, brilliant. We now have one left. WHY
The RAOB Buffs is a very worthwhile gathering for a good purpose. To help the unfortunate, look after the needy and help those that need help. You get nothing out of it for personal gain, if you don't want to help others you simply don't join.
Anyway when we finally got a Dispensation from Grand Council it was the new number 2201 we the Charles Wymer Lodge were the first new lodge to join the Grand Council 2022 in it's new form. Hope you understand that. Happy buffing
We had our first Raising and Bro Bill Calderbank has been raised to Certified Primo. It was obviously a night he will never forget because the Grand Cambridgeshire Council and Grand Council 2022 were there in force for the occasion. Come and join we have a choice of two Worthy Primos now. Any questions please ring 01945 700070 or email johnoshunt@gmail.com
RAOB Charles Wymer Lodge No. 2201
Attention, all men! Are you looking for a sense of camaraderie? Look no further than the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOB)
Joining the RAOB means joining a community of like-minded men who value friendship, charity, and benevolence. As a member, you can access exclusive events, including socials, fundraisers, and community service opportunities.
That's not all - being a part of the RAOB also means giving back to your community. We've partnered with several local charities to impact the lives of those who need it most positively.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of something extraordinary. Join the Buffs today and start experiencing the benefits of brotherhood and community involvement. Visit our website charleswymerlodge.co.uk to learn more, and sign up now!
Note the new night, we are moving to 2nd & 4th MONDAYs night from 11th November 2024 So our next meeting will be 10th March 2025 at the Pavilion behind the Parson Drove Village Hall. 7.30pm start. Come and join us.

I enjoyed my visit to your site, I see you have changed some things since my last visit.
First let me give credit to you for creating & managing this site, it appears to be a one man operation and you do a great job at keeping things up to date.
You have real nice eye catching graphics and your backgrounds are bold & bright and really grab the viewers attention.
I like the "Managers Page" I think this is a great feature for a website, as members like to know who the managers is.
Good job on the Copyrights & disclaimer, straight, simple & to the point.
Since your website has to do with a private group I myself found the rules easy to understand and I am not even a "Buffalo"...lol
I have a few suggestions...I would move the Manager page up closer to the top by the Welcome, you are the manager and you want to make your introduction right off.
Also, your pages side scroll, I am not sure if you know what I am referring to, the pages run off to the right and it is necessary for the viewer to scroll to the side in order to view the pages correctly. A page should line up evenly without having to side scroll to read it. To achieve this it may call for making some of the graphics and writing smaller on each page.
Other than that I find your site easy to navigate, with all links working. You have done an excellent job and it is apparent you truly enjoy what you are doing.
Keep up the good work !