We all enjoy our Buff nights so why don't you come along, you may enjoy it as well. Remember it is the company that makes the night.

Every buff night is a Yabba Dabba Do night

We help local worthy causes chosen by our Brethren. Maybe a kiddies swing, maybe a dinner for the poorer persons of our community, maybe just visiting a lonely person and lifting their day.
We are one Banner of the RAOB we are GRAND COUNCIL 2022
All the Banners are a part of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes and for over 200 years have been very active in helping the less fortunate and looking after the needy. We have started a new Lodge here in the Pavilion behind the Parson Drove Village Hall PE13 4LA. A Lodge where everybody is happy to accept everybody, nobody to get uppity with anybody, all rowing the boat the same way. Raising needed "d's" for the local charities whilst we enjoy each others company and look forward to the next meeting. Have a Beer or Tea whatever you want both are available. We are meeting in the Pavilion behind the Parson Drove Village Hall at 7.30pm on a Friday night. Please bring your friends and neighbours, let them have a chance to enjoy Buffaloism.
❈ Our philosophy is, we believe the buffs can live on, with the fun and friendship it used to enjoy, doing friends a favour, getting appreciated for what you do, not taking anything for granted. One does feel good when one does someone a favour. Whether it is taking your neighbour to the doctors or just sitting with them for an hour. Being friendly is good. More importantly a sense of belonging can be a huge benefit to many. It is good for mental health as well to have somewhere to go for a purpose. "It gives me a good boost knowing that I have helped somebody in return and not only just in return but helping people and putting a smile on their face and when they say thank you, that means more than anything in the world."
Membership of a Lodge of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes is open to all adult males without distinction as to social position, religious faiths or political beliefs. Before a candidate is accepted, he has be of good character, or in service, whatever is required to meet the needs of a less fortunate Brother or the dependant widow and children of a deceased Brother.
The method of giving reflects the diversity of our membership ("to the extent of my power") and the basic contribution expected from members is fixed at a figure it is reasonable to assume all members can pay without defaulting on their personal or family obligations.
These opportunities for voluntary giving, especially to our benevolent projects, serve a double purpose for not only do they provide a valued addition to the funds available in the various sections. Even more important for the stability of the Order, they serve as a reminder to everyone concerned how much depends upon the degree to which the brethren honour the obligation taken by them at initiation.
If you have stayed with us to this point you will know what value to place on any highly coloured stories you may have heard about us. Everything we do is part of a single-minded plan to secure and maintain the homes and lives of our members and their families. Protection of the fatherless, the orphan child, the widow, the sick and the aged, is all part of and stems from our own home experiences, the measure to which we succeed is the measure to which many thousands of buffaloes, all over the world, believe in and act on their promise to share the responsibility with us.
There is no real mystery about that promise and you cannot pretend you didn't understand. Simplicity itself is at the heart of it. You have promised in these terms, "I will also to the extent of my power, succour and defend a worthy Brother, under circumstances of difficulty and need. Nothing complicated about that; you obtain, with us, the right and the responsibility to give, to preserve these intensely practical and yet altruistic ideals for our mutual security.
Do not get the idea that we are completely introspective in our thoughts for other charities. There has never, in the last hundred years, been any worthwhile public endeavour to brighten the lives of the sick and needy in our own and other countries unless members of the R.A.O.B. have been actively involved in that endeavour.
We can keep you busy.
This is the moment of decision, if there is a doubt in your mind do not come in; it will not be held against you; the man in whom we find no joy is the one who comes in, pledges his honour to participate, and then walks out because he "doesn't like it".
If you do come in just take this piece of friendly advice. Making judgment on procedures, of which your understanding is yet imperfect, is an unrewarding exercise. Time is all you need, procedures, unlike principles, can always be altered or modified. Concentrate on getting a grip of the potential underlying a strong dominant organization based on the faiths to which we have jointly pledged our word. You may make it even more powerful for good.
You can down load this and a brief history in PDF format, just click the right mouse button and click "Save As"
An introduction to Buffaloism as practised by the R.A.O.B.
Origins of our Regalia by WAC Hartmann