Who we help

Over the years the Buffs have helped The Stroke Appeal, Diabetes, The Aged, Cancer Research, Heart Foundation, Alzheimer's Society, Communities in Schools. British Heart Foundation etc and in all cases we try to get the money where it counts as we know that many of these charities have expensive bodies that have big salaries.
For example when we gave money to the Stroke Appeal we actually delivered it to the Kings Lynn Hospital Stroke ward. When we gave some money to a hospital we gave it to Doddington Hospital and still have some photos of the day.
It is always a better feeling when you know that it is going where it is needed and not going to subsidise a big salary. We found out once that a Cancer Charity Nationwide got about 3p in the pound of what was given to it, the rest went in admin expenses.
It is always rewarding to make sure the money gets to where it can be used, deliver it to the front line and feel proud